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We Can do Hard Things and Everything is Figureoutable

Amanda Cressman, N.D.

I'm always so grateful when the right book comes along at the right time. I've had this happen recently when I read Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.

For many people, this year, at this time, in this season is bringing about very hard things where perspective can be lost. These words have helped restore that for me.

In my house, I have a few select quotes that are hung up in rooms as I try to instil these thoughts into my children but also into myself. In my children's playroom I have this framed quote, "Everything is Figureoutable". This quote comes from Marie Forleo and her book named just that. Marie is a life coach, an enterpreneur and many other things. She is an example and a reminder that we can define who we are and how we experience things with our attitude and perspective.

A week into having this quote up and framed in our house, I was doing some computer work where I was needing to learn a new system which is one of my least favourite things to do. My youngest daughter saw me sigh, looking defeated and stressed and said, "mommy, you know everything is can figure this out." I had put up this quote in their playroom that very week and shared the concept with them, bringing it up when they were frustrated, teaching them that they have the ability to figure things out. When my daughter said this, it made me smile large, seeing that a 5 year old had locked these words in as a belief in a few short days where I obviously had more work to do. I repeated it in my mind

I love this phrase because it's playful, it's positive and it's powerful.

And it's been very helpful in this peculiar year, in this precarious season as we all have no idea what the next bit of time will be for us all.

But Marie reminds us that everything is figureoutable. I just need to get my mind out of the way to make room for solutions and ideas. If you like this phrase and feel as though it could benefit you, please feel free to download this image.

The second book that has been helpful is Glennon Doyle's, Untamed. It is a powerful piece of work. It's raw, it's real, it's courageous and it's important. Glennon shows up authentically on each page and if you have the audio version of her work, she's as good of an orator as a writer, which is saying something.

Out of many of the highlighted quotes from her book, this one has landed the strongest for me...."We can do hard things." We are all continuing to experience changes with uncertainty of the coming months, but her words, "We can do hard things" is inspiring and instills in me, "yes, I can do hard things, I've done a lot of hard things before and life brings about hard things....I can do this, my kids can do this...we all can do this."

It's why I love Naturopathic Medicine, because my job is to help people figure out why they are experiencing what they are experiencing and how to get back to who they wish to be. And sometimes that work is hard. Asking people to look at their lifestyle, to change patterns or behaviours that are blocking them from health is hard stuff.

For me as a person, as a parent and as a Naturopathic Doctor, resilience is what I strive for. Resilient people can weather the season changes of life with grace and and with perspective.

This coming season of life is a big one for us all. It is asking us to be flexible, to be conscientious, to be considerate and to be patient.

For whatever is going on in your life, I hope these words from these two extraordinary women will be helpful...knowing you can figure things out and you can do hard things.

If you like this phrase and feel as though it could benefit you, please feel free to download this image.

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